
TAS founder shares 10 tips to master matric exams

45 years since she founded The Answer Series, Anne Eadie is still fully committed to supporting learners to succeed academically and to feel confident about their futures. As we celebrate women’s month – there is no better time to pay tribute to this visionary educator or pay heed to what she has to say.

Eadie believes that despite all the challenges teachers and learners have faced in 2020, there are certain tips and techniques that will weather any storm when it comes to exam preparation. Here are her top 10:

Start today

Whether you’re in grade 11, or facing the last stretch before your matric exams, now is the time to begin. Taking a proactive approach is key – so don’t focus on what you haven’t done in the past. Put that behind you and let’s get going!

Find what works for you

Routine is important, but there isn’t a one size fits all approach. Figure out whether you’re more productive in the mornings or afternoons; then try to allocate the tasks which need the most brain power to those slots. Also decide what the best way to boost your energy levels is – maybe it’s a healthy snack, a jog around the block, or even a 20-minute power nap.

Plan ahead

Take the time to write down what you need to cover for each subject and map it out in a timetable. Motivation shouldn’t be a problem once you’ve done this, because you will see that every slot is important!  

Don’t study all day

Make sure your schedule has time allocated to exercise, chat to friends and even watch an episode of your favourite series. Getting the balance right and enjoying your time off will help you be productive when you do sit down to study – with no distractions.


Tell your family about your timetable. Paste it on your door or send a photo of it to your family WhatsApp group, so that no one disturbs you. Your parents won’t nag you once they see you taking responsibility and doing your best. 

Take notes

Don’t just read through your work! Study a section and then write down everything you can remember. Knowing that you’re going to do this makes you study in a logical, alert way. You are then only left to learn a few things which you left out.

Do one thing at a time

Doing past papers is excellent preparation for any exam; however, working on one topic at a time is the most effective strategy, particularly as you build-up your confidence. TAS provides thorough topic treatment for all subjects.

Practice makes perfect

Try each problem on your own first, no matter how inadequately, before consulting the solutions provided in TAS study guides. The best way to learn is from your own mistakes – you need to be able to pinpoint them first, and then understand what to do next time.

Stay positive

The most important thing of all is to remain positive until the exams are done and dusted. Sometimes this willbe tough, some exams will be tough, but in the end, your result will reflect all the hard work you’ve put in.

Have a game plan

When exam time finally arrives, here is a mini check list to make sure you are set up to do your very best:

–       Double check that you have everything you need before you leave home

–       Don’t arrive too early and allow yourself to be upset by panicking friends.

–       Plan your time in the exam well – allowing some time to check at the end.

In closing, Eadie shares one last bit of advice for the actual exams, “Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to get stuck on any difficult issues in the exam. Move on, and rather come back to the problem questions if you have time left. If you’re finding an exam difficult, just continue to do your absolute best right until the end.”


About Anne Eadie:

Anne has dedicated her entire working life to teaching and learning, and has been a leading contributor to the evolution of mathematics teaching in Grade 8 to 12 in South Africa. She has also written every Matric maths exam since 1975!

This coincides with the year Anne founded The Answer Series and she has been the visionary behind it ever since. The Answer Series is now South Africa’s best-selling study guide series.  

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